3 Ways to Heal After Discovering a Partner's Porn Addiction

Article by

Devon Mills • February 22, 2022

Woman healing from a partners porn addiction

Discovering your spouse has a pornography addiction may cause intense feelings of betrayal. As you try to wade through the life-shattering waters of your new reality, you may feel like you're drowning. At the same time, you may realize you have no idea what you need to feel whole again. 

Turning to someone you can trust after learning about your spouse's pornography addiction can be hard. For example, you may feel embarrassed or awkward. Likewise, intense vulnerability may wash over you. At the same time, you may worry about how they'll view you or your spouse. Betrayal can lead to an unknown place of loneliness. So, while discovering a pornography addiction may lead your spouse to recovery, your healing may get left behind. 

Discovering your spouse has a pornography addiction can cause so much heartache. In this article, we'll provide three exercises that may help you figure out your needs so you can heal. 

3 Ways to Identify Your Needs As Your Spouse Works Toward Pornography Addiction Recovery

3 Ways to Identify Your Needs As Your Spouse Works Toward Pornography Addiction Recovery

Discovering your spouse has a pornography addiction may be the driving force for him to seek help. However, while healing and recovery sound promising for both of you, you're stuck in a place where you don't recognize yourself. You may not know what you need to heal. 

Part of the healing process includes getting your needs met. Therefore, learning about the various aspects of your needs offers many benefits. Four areas to focus on include your physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs. Doing this may help you pinpoint the areas that need your attention most. 

To figure out your needs, you can start with these 3 simple exercises. 

Write Down Your Daily Impressions

Discovering your spouse has a pornography addiction can lead to a wide range of emotions. So, take a moment every day to write down how you're feeling. As you work on various aspects to improve your mental health, this exercise may help you identify progress and problematic areas.

Set Boundaries 

The road to pornography addiction recovery can be long and difficult. Therefore, setting boundaries during the process may help you identify what it is that you need. Likewise, boundaries may help you identify areas you're feeling most vulnerable. For example, boundaries may create safety for you. As you talk about specific boundaries with your partner, you can ask yourself what need that boundary might fulfill. 

Practice self-compassion

A great way you can begin to identify your needs is to practice self-care. Your spouse is the only one who can decide to work toward pornography addiction recovery. The good news is, your healing doesn't have to wait. As you focus on your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs, you can begin to find your inner strength to get through this. 

Restoring Trust After Discovering Pornography Addiction

Restoring Trust After Discovering Pornography Addiction

Trust is needed for relationships to work. However, after discovering your partner's pornography addiction, you may wonder how you can trust again. Fulfilling your need for trust may begin with setting limits and holding boundaries. However, you may need professional help to truly work through the process of healing. A licensed therapist may be able to help guide you and your spouse towards healing and pornography addiction recovery. 

Richmont University, we help clients dealing with pornography addiction. We may be able to help you identify your needs and guide both of you toward healing. Visit our website today to learn more. 

By Zachary Dunaway, M.S. est. July 2024 April 3, 2024
Trauma is a part of our lived experience. And when I say trauma, you likely don’t have to think deeply to identify what I mean by trauma. It’s those soul-crushing events that happened to us that never should have. It is also the things that should have happened to us but never did - messages you should have received as a child, the physical or emotional absence of a loving parent. Those experiences leave deep wounds in our minds and our nervous systems. We have learned how to cope with the pain we’ve experienced because we have to survive. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon that the coping mechanisms we have reached for do not serve us well long-term. In the field of mental health counseling, we refer to those strategies as maladaptive. Drinking to numb the pain, isolating from healthy social connections to self-protect, or engaging in risky behaviors to feel anything other than the internal breaking of our hearts are all examples of our bodies and minds trying to protect us. What if I told you that you’re not alone? We all are doing our best with what life has given us. You are doing the best you can. And yet, there’s hope for better. There’s hope for healing. Hope typically yields a positive or joyful connotation, but the hope I’m referring to is more profound and actualized. It is an invitation to heal. It’s an invitation to wade into the depths of our being, to learn a new way of living. To reconnect with our body and mind and explore how we engage with our world. Empirically-based clinical interventions, coupled with the support of a skilled mental health professional, offer a safe and empathetic environment to not only rediscover who you were before the trauma but also who you are after. You survived. You are in the present moment. Where in the past, parts of your story were written for you by others, you now hold the pen and are invited to continue your story with the best chapters waiting for you to write them. My deep belief is that your healing story will contain these simple yet powerful statements: "You’ve endured profound trauma and embraced healing. You’ve met harshness with tenderness, cruelty with kindness. Your healing story is seen, felt, and shared with others."
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Play Therapy At Richmont Trauma Center
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